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Posted on 01/20/2016
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Tips If You're Expecting Your First Child


There is no feeling that quite compares to the feeling you get when you are expecting your first child. You are most likely full of anticipation and excitement but at the same time a bit nervous and apprehensive, which are perfectly normal feelings to have when you have a new baby on the way. The doctors and staff at Doylestown Women's Health Center offer guidance, medical care and support to expectant mothers to guide them at every step along the way.

Here are some useful tips for first time mothers that can help ensure you have a safe and fulfilling pregnancy and a healthy and happy baby boy or girl.

Pregnancy Tips for Expectant Mothers

Coping With Morning Sickness

The common symptoms of morning sickness including nausea, exhaustion and breast tenderness/swelling typically start about one month after your last period. To help with these symptoms, eat frequent small meals, avoid odors that bother you, and get lots of rest. Because breast swelling and/or tenderness will continue throughout your pregnancy and beyond, be sure to wear a bra that feels comfortable.

Take Good Care of Yourself

The best thing you can do for yourself and your baby during pregnancy is to take great care of yourself. If you feel tired, rest. Focus on eating healthy foods and steer clear of junk foods and empty calories. You will need to see your doctor regularly during pregnancy to check your overall health and to monitor the growth and development of your baby. If you smoke, quit the habit and abstain from drinking alcohol.

Eat a Healthy Diet

A healthy diet during pregnancy is one that includes plenty of fruits, vegetables and whole grains that provide the important nutrients your baby needs for proper growth and development. Pregnant women need more calcium, folic acid, iron and protein than women who are not expecting. Avoid eating highly processed foods as well as fish high in mercury and processed meats like hotdogs & cold cuts as these foods contain harmful chemicals.

Stay Active

Exercising during pregnancy will help to energize you and improve muscle tone, strength and endurance to assist you in several ways. You will be better able to carry the weight you gain during pregnancy and be well prepared for the physical stress of labor and birth. Keeping active while you are pregnant will also make getting back into shape easier once your baby is born. But before you start any rigorous exercise regime, speak to your doctor to get the "green light" to do so.

Labor Tips for First Time Mothers

Facing the Fear of Pain

Labor is uncomfortable but you do have options. Even if you decide to decline drugs, keep in mind that the pain will be over quickly. Remember that labor pain is purposeful as it drives your body into the movements and positions that help labor progress. When the contractions become very uncomfortable, keep control over your breathing and allow yourself to make whatever noises feel natural to you.

Relax, Meditate and Remember The Pain is All Worth It

During labor, try to retreat to your own private internal space that provides you with comfort. Remember that as soon as the discomfort and pain are over, you get to meet your beautiful new baby for the very first time! Childbirth is so amazing and beautiful that most women forget about their labor pain, as they're too busy providing care and love to their newborn babies.

Post Partum Tips for First Time Mothers

What to Expect After Your Baby Is Born

Once you have your baby, you will enter the post partum period when your body changes as it returns to its non-pregnant condition. You could experience sore muscles, some bleeding and even contractions when your uterus shrinks after childbirth. You can also experience vaginal soreness/pain and discharge as well as breast enlargement while your breasts fill with milk. It is important to focus on your healing and on taking good care of your body after delivery. Contact your doctor if you are concerned about any post partum symptoms you are having.

Rest When Your Baby Sleeps

Getting ample rest is very important when you're a new mom. When you put your baby down to sleep, get the rest you need instead of trying to catch up on chores. Don't feel guilty about taking a much-needed nap as you need all the sleep you can get when you're caring for a newborn baby.

Dealing with "The Baby Blues"

Many women feel exhausted, "down" and weepy after delivery, which is caused in part due to plummeting hormone levels and a lack of sleep. Feeling this way is perfectly normal and it typically goes away after a week or two. If you continue feeling down and out or the feelings intensify, speak to your doctor as you may postpartum depression.

Begin Your Journey With Your Bucks County OBGYN

Being a new mom for the very first time comes with a slew of emotions that can be overwhelming as you anxiously anticipate the birth of your new baby. By following these tips, your experience as a first time mother should be a great, rewarding experience you'll cherish for the rest of you life. We would love to join you for your journey. Give us a call at (215) 340-BABY (2229).