How to Announce Your Pregnancy to Your Significant Other

Finding out you're pregnant can be one of the most exciting or most terrifying moments of your life - or both at the same time! But if you've conceived with a significant other, you now have the task of announcing the pregnancy to your special someone. Considering this is such big news, you may want to put some thought into how you tell them.
Announcing a Planned Pregnancy
If you and your significant other have been trying to get pregnant, this is joyous news. While some couples may prefer a more straight-ahead conversation, this could also be an opportunity to have a little fun! Consider using a funny or cute method to tell them the good news: you might put an infant-sized onesie into their underwear drawer, serving dinner with a side of baby food, or marking the due date on a calendar and asking them to check if the two of you have anything scheduled that month. Breaking the news can be an opportunity to bond over a happy event, and it can be fun to deliver the news in a memorable way.
Announcing an Unplanned Pregnancy
If this was an unexpected pregnancy, on the other hand, you may need to be a little more careful - both with your significant other and with yourself. Unexpected pregnancies can generate very strong feelings in both you and your partner, and it's important to make space for expressing and processing those feelings. You may find it helpful to do some internal processing on your own before having the conversation with your special someone - don't be afraid to carve out some alone time to think about how you're feeling, or even to talk it over with a close friend. Once you feel ready to discuss it with your significant other, try to create as open a conversation as possible. Remember, you're not just talking about the pregnancy - you're talking about the feelings both of you have about the pregnancy. For this reason, it's important to have an open, honest conversation and make space and time to process everything you're feeling together. Once you've processed the feelings, start to think about the next steps.
Contact Your Doylestown, PA Women's Health Center
If you need help figuring out those next steps, Doylestown Women's Health Center is here to help. We're proud to provide caring, compassionate health services to women throughout the Doylestown area, and no matter what you're dealing with, we'll help you choose the right path forward for your specific situation. Feel free to call us at 215-340-2229 with any questions or to find out more about our services or to schedule a consultation with us. We hope to hear from you soon.